onsdag den 23. juni 2010

T-10 - managing the peaking

It's been a great day in Copenhagen. After a cloudy start with a good morning run of 5km at just about 20 minutes and some gentle weight exercises - both body and weather started to really improve during the day. Got the first signs of peak starting to brew during the afternoon interval rides. A midsummer night of intervals. Did 7 x 5 minutes around AT with 1 minute break in between. Could feel lactate acid just starting to build, but not much and not with much effect in last minutes of intervals. Did some hill-drags prior to the intervals. Will be interesting to check the effect of this on Friday, when I will do the same amount of intervals, but half the distance.

Weight is getting under control again. This morning I was down to 72.4 before the run and 71.5 after. After biking the weight was at 71.8. So, I guess I will be starting the Marmotte around 70-71 kg. This is a couple of kg lighter than last year. Looking at the speed of the rides this year, I expect the power to weight ratio to have increased - so let's hope I can find the peak and improve. I haven't been on the Computrainer for a while, so I haven't the exact figures. Will do a test after returning from Italy so I have a bench-mark.

The greatest news today is that my new ride is now being painted in Trevisio. Since March I have been waiting for the Pinarelo Dogma. Very excited about finally getting it. The problem, naturally, is it arrives very late for the Marmotte. I'm tempted to ride it here but will need to check how different it feels once I get to ride it next Friday. It may be another Marmotte for the DeRosa Protos. It's a great bike too and handles magnificently. I run a compact crankset on it. 34-50 in front. Last year I had an 11-25 cassette. Running into the first turns at AdH I was then missing a 27 for the final ascent. This year I know I'm a bit stronger, and did not have any problems riding the 11-25 up the Mortirolo in May or up the Muro di Sormano after first doing the Ghisallo - and those two climbs are sure steeper than the AdH. So, this is what I use this year also if I choose the Protos. If the Dogma is to be used, I'm excited about trying out the new Super Record option of running a full 39-53 set-up in front and a 12-29 back. This gives actually just a tad lower gearing than with the 11-34 combination of the compact. The 54-12 will definitely be a benefit in the downhills. For those reading this without having done the Marmotte before and look for a recommendation on gearing: if you think 7-8 hours is realistic - then go for compact and 11-25 - if 8+ I'd look at a compact with 12-27, and if you are below 7 you can probably do a regular 39-53 with a 12-27. But again - gearing is individual. I like high cadence and ride lower gearing. Advice: watch out so high gearing do not drain your legs and damage your knees.

Well midsummer eve has come to an end. Not much celebration for me this year. A glass of wine would have been nice, but now I need to steer away from that until next Sunday :-) Tomorrow is rest day with a nice and calm evening ride. Looking forward to that - especially with the weather supposed to be perfect!

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